Tag: art in Fareham

3 exhibitions one gallery

We have been quite bad at updating the blog lately which is not good (we consider ourselves severely reprimanded by ourselves).  But so much has been happening that it is very difficult to find the time to tell you all…….

We currently have three exhibitions on display in Fareham (to read more about the current shows please click on the images to be taken to that page):

Human at Sticks;

3 exhibitions one gallery -- A4-poster-human

Surveillance at Cafe Ethos; and

3 exhibitions one gallery -- surveillance flyer

from tomorrow, Boxes of Oranges at Ferneham Hall


3 exhibitions one gallery -- Christina-Evans-Boxes-of-Oranges


This has been a very exciting month as it is the first exhibitions Sticks have placed in outreach venues.  This is a vital part of our mission to get art out there and to engage the community in the places they visit; whether that be a gallery space, a cafe or a theatre.

The exhibitions we have this month include, photography, film, painting, art books and digital art. If you live in Fareham and long to see more contemporary work in your area then do come an have a look and be part of the change we are spearheading.

We hope you can make it to some of the shows and if you’re an artist interested in getting involved and submitting your work then join us through Live Art Local CIC and submit your work for free; you also get a directory listing; the chance to sell your work with us and various other things.